
Atomic structure of Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 (111) surfaces probed by photoelectron diffraction and holography


Mikhail V. Kuznetsov, Lada V. Yashina, Jaime Sánchez-Barriga, Ilya I. Ogorodnikov, Andrey S. Vorokh, Andrey A. Volykhov, Roland J. Koch, Vera S. Neudachina, Marina E. Tamm, Anna P. Sirotina, Andrei Yu. Varykhalov, Gunther Springholz, Günther Bauer, John D. Riley, Oliver Rader, Atomic structure of Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 (111) surfaces probed by photoelectron diffraction and holography, Phys. Rev. B, V.91, P.085402, 2015.

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