
Institute of Nanotechnologies of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is affiliated by the Presidium of RAS which is in charge of methodical and scientific administration of the Institute.

Yuri V. Gulyaev, Member of RAS, was appointed Executive Director by the Presidium of the RAS to organize and establish the Institute, which he headed until December 2009.

In December 2009 Alexander N. Saurov, Corresponding Member of RAS, was elected the Director of the Institute by Decree No. 324 of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (22 December 2009).

Our Mission

The Mission of the Institute is to study problems and prospects of developing nanotechnology in microelectronics, to generate analytical, statistical, methodological and forecast information for the management of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the RAS and Government Agencies of the Russian Federation.

In pursuance of the mission the Institute carries out the following:

  • contribute to development and improvement of state policy-making mechanisms in the field of nanotechnology;
  • build research infrastructure and develop fundamental research in the advanced areas of science and technology which determine the progress of nanotechnology in microelectronics;
  • monitor physical and technological aspects for implementing advanced nano-scale element base in microelectronic devices;
  • design high-tech integrated complexes for hyperlocal diagnostics and modification of nanomaterials and nanostructures physical properties;
  • develop TMDE methods and equipment to be used for creating and studying nanotechnology element base of microelectronic devices.


1. The Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INME RAS, Director - academician of the RAS A. Saurov).


2. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.15.2018 No. 215 "On the structure of federal executive bodies" and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.27.2018 No. 1293-p. The institution was transferred to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation:


  • performs the functions and powers of the founder, as well as the functions and powers of the owner of INME RAS Federal Property;
  • approves INME RAS development programs;
  • elaborates and approves state targets for IMNE RAS for the execution of works;
  • evaluates the effectiveness of IMNE RAS performance.


3. The Russian Academy of Sciences (The Department of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies) provides scientific and methodological guidance to INME RAS activity, namely:


  • participates in the INME RAS Development Programs elaboration;
  • participates in the INME RAS state target elaboration;
  • estimates the INME RAS scientific activity.


4. INME RAS consists of thematic divisions, research laboratories, service departments and subdivisions.


5. The INME RAS funding sources come from:


  • subsidies for realising state targets financed from the federal budget;
  • income-generating activities in accordance with the Charter of INME RAS.


6. Acquirers of INME RAS work are:


  • the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.