Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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15 May, 2011
The Institute participated in the 4th workshop "Metrology and standardization in nanotechnology and nanoindustry. Functional nanomaterials"
10 March, 2011
The Institute of Nanotechnology in Microelectronics of the RAS participated in the CeBIT exhibition
9 March, 2010
In 2010 the Institute took part in the international exhibition for the first time
Внимание участникам Конференции! Опубликована программа Конференции (список докладов)
The Institute participated in the 4th workshop "Metrology and standardization in nanotechnology and nanoindustry. Functional nanomaterials"
Cозданы эффективные кремниевые нанотранзисторы
The Institute of Nanotechnology in Microelectronics of the RAS participated in the CeBIT exhibition
Физики получили стабильное магнетричество
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